4 Acts of Kindness You Can Perform Every Day
Here in the South, we have a reputation for good manners. This comes from years of performing simple acts of kindness that haven’t gone unnoticed. Being someone’s hero, even if for a few moments, doesn’t take much. Here are a few small things you can do to brighten anyone’s day.
Offer Your Seat
When you’re waiting at the doctor’s office, a restaurant, or anywhere else, you probably covet the available seats. It’s easy to settle in and get comfortable. Keep an eye out for others who may need that seat more. If you really want to be polite, offer your seat to someone who’s just as healthy as you are. Sometimes it’s nice just to be nice.
Take a Cart Back
If you see a young parent struggling to keep track of kids and groceries or an elderly person unable to juggle bags and car keys, you may want to offer to take that shopping cart back to the store or the cart corral. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but for that person, you’ll be a true hero.
Hang Up the Phone
We’re able to connect at any time now, but that doesn’t mean we have to. If you’re in a public area, consider hanging up the phone. Believe it or not, even your half of a loud conversation can add stress to any situation. Unless you’re in an emergency situation, tell whoever’s on the other line that you’ll call back later.
Turn It Down
We know there’s nothing nicer than riding with the windows down and your favorite song playing as loud as you can stand it. Just remember that not everyone’s favorite song is the same as yours. When you stop at stop signs or travel through neighborhoods, turn down the volume. Those around you will be so grateful that you didn’t share.
It’s easy to get caught up in daily life and forget to spread a little kindness. These four acts require little to no effort, and yet they’ll bring a smile to those around you every time. And that’s Southern heritage we can be proud of.