Land in the South Keeps Increasing in Value

southern land increases in value

The numbers never lie. A land purchase is still the most stable investment you can make. The problem is that land values grow at different rates throughout the United States, which can confuse potential buyers. If you’re considering investing in land in the southeast, there are a few things to keep in mind.


Rural land and farms in Tennessee have seen an increase in value by almost 1% since 2013. We don’t yet have the full picture for 2015, but in 2014, those prices increased by .8%.

While .8% may not seem like a large amount, it really does add up. Within one year, a $30,000 plot of land could see appreciation of up to $2,400. If you plan to hold onto your land for several years, the profit upon selling would be stunning.

South Carolina

The story looks even better in South Carolina. Land prices appreciated by 1% from 2013 to 2014. That means a $30,000 farm could have seen an increase of $3,000 in value, under the best possible conditions. That’s just for one year of ownership. Imagine if you purchased a farm to keep for decades. What other investment could promise that kind of appreciation over time?


When you consider the growth of Georgia prices, things might look a little grim. The USDA reported no change in land values for the time between 2013 and 2014. Does that mean that land in Georgia won’t appreciate in value the way land in Tennessee and South Carolina does? Of course not.

It’s important to note that the appreciation rate changes from year to year, depending on several factors. While Georgia may not have seen a change in the past year, they could see a large leap this year. What you should definitely consider is the fact that land has steadily increased in value for the past several years. No matter where that land is located—from the southeast to the great northwest.

southern land increasing value

This information, also from the USDA, shows that the average price per acre has nearly doubled since 2005. That’s the bigger picture to keep in mind when you’re deciding which investment will work best for your individual needs. No other investment can claim the same benefits.

If you’re ready to start looking for your piece of forever in Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee, we’re here to help. Give us a call, and we’ll tell you how quickly and easily you could own rural land in the southeast.