4 Tips for Surviving the Rural Winters

It’s getting frigid outside. Rural communities have beautiful weather year around, but surviving the cold temperatures takes skill and experience. Follow these tips to help you make it through the frigid winters. 


Let yourself indulge in what makes winter pleasurable. Sit by the fire, drink your hot chocolate, and put on those thermal pajamas. Find the good in lazing around your home; draw that landscape picture you always wanted to, read that book everyone is talking about, or take the time to relax and recuperate from the long days of work. Don’t let yourself get caught up moping around the house. Take this winter opportunity to do that one thing you’ve always wanted to. 

Dress Appropriately

As much as everyone loves open toed shoes, they will not help keep you comfortable during the winter months. If you’re cold- you’re unlikely to enjoy the winter. Be sure to invest in a warm coat, wool socks, and proper boots. Thick wool sweaters are your friend. 

Winter Food

Don’t be afraid of the crock pot! Winter is a great time for food- delicious stews that simmer all day and fresh baked pies. Not only will the smells make your house aromatic, using the kitchen is another way to keep you warm and toasty. 

Resign Yourself

Take advantage of what makes rural living special- it gives you the opportunity to reconnect with nature and your family. Accept that winter will happen, you will be stuck inside. Make the best of your situation and use the winter as an opportunity to get closer with your family and explore your property during one of the most beautiful seasons that rural communities get to experience.